Legal Industry
Be Prepared for Your Remote Deposition
It is crucial to prepare yourself and your witness for an upcoming remote deposition, to avoid a possible setback.
The legal community has had to adapt to changes brought on by COVID-19, swiftly. One difference is how recent depositions have been handled, which is remotely through video. In some areas, restrictions on gatherings are beginning to ease or are soon to be lifted; However, despite allowance, for some, meeting virtually continues to be a more appealing option during this time of uncertainty.
It is crucial to prepare yourself and your witness for an upcoming remote deposition, to avoid a possible setback.
- Determine what software everyone will be using ahead of time and become familiar with it. Make sure you know the basics like muting your audio during breaks. Opveon can assist in providing a secure platform.
- Test quality performance ahead of time. Internet speed, camera quality, and audio levels are all crucial aspects of remote conferences. We can perform a tech check for you.
- Use a secure location that is free of visual distractions and audio interference. Attending from home is a last resort. At Opveon, we have multiple conference rooms, with speedy internet, available for you.
- Have a system in place for accessing electronic exhibits efficiently. We have laptops and iPad pros available for your use.
- Ask non-speaking members to mute their audio before-hand to minimize unnecessary noise.
- Have your witness sit in a chair that does not rock or spin. Remind them to keep proper posture throughout the deposition.
- Eye contact matters. Remind your witness they should be looking into the camera. It will be natural for your witness to want to look at the speaker; However, watching the video back may make it look like the witness is looking downward or avoiding eye contact. If you are utilizing a webcam, prop it up to be eye-level with the witness.
At OPVEON, we are your technology partner. If you have any questions about remotely attending a deposition or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.